Step by step PyDSTool on Gentoo

by Shai Revzen, ca. 2006. These instructions refer to old versions of libraries, etc., but may nonetheless provide help for those installing everything from source code on Gentoo linux.

This page provides a step by-step record of an experience installing a full PyDSTool system from scratch on a Linux Gentoo distribution.

I've taken the approach of installing all the PyDSTool requisites in their own filesystem branch, without overwriting the main Gentoo tools. It is advisable to use this approach because Gentoo tools are constantly updated and may break backward compatibility with PyDSTool, even if were possible to get them to work. Furthermore, so far PyDSTool does not work with any of the "cutting edge" versions of Python used in Gentoo.

A second significant installation choice is that I'm installing as root for shared use computer -- i.e. setting things up so that multiple students can use PyDSTool from their own accounts independently and without steppin g on each other's toes. If you are installing PyDSTool only for one user, there might be easier ways to do it.

Files to Download

Get Gentoo to do some of the work for us

We'll use Gentoo to provide the optimized ATLAS/LAPACK library. The Gentoo library already deals with combining the ATLAS and LAPACK libraries to provide an optimized LAPACK (off-the-web ATLAS does not provide a full LAPACK, and just installing both libraries will not make LAPACK algorithms use the ATLAS optimization),

Gentoo also provides swig and gnuplot at no extra effort.

interactive=1 emerge blas-atlas
interactive=1 emerge lapack-atlas
emerge swig
emerge gnuplot

Install an alternative python

Unpack python and configure it to use an alternative install path:

tar xjvf Python-2.3.6.tar.bz2
cd Python-2.3.6
./configure  --prefix=/usr/local/pydstool/ --enable-shared
make && make install

Make our new python the default for the current shell:

export PATH=/usr/local/pydstool/bin/:$PATH
ldconfig /usr/local/pydstool/lib
which python
python -c 'print "ok"'

The which python command should return


If that worked, then the python -c 'print "ok"' command should print ok. If you get a library error, try to give

 ldconfig /usr/local/pydstool/lib/ && python -c "print 'ok'"

Install numarray

Gentoo calls the Fortran ABI blas library, instead of the that numarray expects. The easy solution is to make a symlink to alias to, but I didn't want to pollute my system directories with manually generated symlinks. You'd think that the --library-dirs option to distutil's config would be pretty reliable, and we could use that to make distutil look in the current directory. No such luck: although documented, the option has no effect at all for numarray.

So we make a mildly intrusive set of symlinks, just to make numarray happy, setup with "external LAPACK" and test:

ln -s /usr/lib/blas/threaded-atlas/ /usr/local/lib/
ln -s /usr/include/atlas/ /usr/local/include/atlas
python  --use_lapack config --gencode install
python -c 'import numarray.testall as testall; testall.test()'

Installing Numeric

The good news about installing Numeric is that it works easily, just by using  python install 

The bad news is that all configuration *MUST* be done by patching the file. Here's a shell snippet that creates the patch:

cat >Numeric-23.8-setup.patch <<ENDS-PATCH
--- Numeric-23.8/       2005-02-08 14:58:25.000000000 -0800
+++       2006-12-24 21:34:36.000000000 -0800
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 MA_version = version
 headers = glob (os.path.join ("Include","Numeric","*.h"))
-extra_compile_args = []  # You could put "-O4" etc. here.
+extra_compile_args = ["-O3"]  # You could put "-O4" etc. here.
 mathlibs = ['m']
 define_macros = [('HAVE_INVERSE_HYPERBOLIC',None)]
 undef_macros = []
@@ -32,20 +32,20 @@
     mathlibs = []
 # delete all but the first one in this list if using your own LAPACK/BLAS
-sourcelist = [os.path.join('Src', 'lapack_litemodule.c'),
-              os.path.join('Src', 'blas_lite.c'), 
-              os.path.join('Src', 'f2c_lite.c'), 
-              os.path.join('Src', 'zlapack_lite.c'),
-              os.path.join('Src', 'dlapack_lite.c')
-             ]
+sourcelist = [os.path.join('Src', 'lapack_litemodule.c') ] #,
+#              os.path.join('Src', 'blas_lite.c'), 
+#              os.path.join('Src', 'f2c_lite.c'), 
+#              os.path.join('Src', 'zlapack_lite.c'),
+#              os.path.join('Src', 'dlapack_lite.c')
+#             ]
 # set these to use your own BLAS;
-library_dirs_list = []#'/usr/lib/atlas']
-libraries_list = []#'lapack', 'cblas', 'f77blas', 'atlas', 'g2c'] 
+library_dirs_list = ['/usr/lib/blas/threaded-atlas/']#'/usr/lib/atlas']
+libraries_list = ['lapack','cblas']#'lapack', 'cblas', 'f77blas', 'atlas', 'g2c'] 
 # set to true (1), if you also want BLAS optimized matrixmultiply/dot/innerproduct
-use_dotblas = 0
-include_dirs = []#'/usr/include/atlas']  
+use_dotblas = 1 # 0

Now we apply the patch and install Numeric:

tar xzvf Numeric-23.8.tar.gz
cd Numeric-23.8.tar.gz
patch  < ../Numeric-23.8-setup.patch
python install

The unit test is rather slow. It is found by running:

python Test/

A nice "sanity" test that Numeric is installed is

python Demo/

Installing F2PY

This one is "pure" python, so it's easy:

python install

That's it. Sometimes it just works.


wxPython is useful for scipy GUI and matplotlib. So as to prevent it from conflicting with the Gentoo package, I installed from source and let it use the Gentoo wxGTK -- to no avail -- the Gentoo wxGTK is a wx 2.6 GTK-2 -- way too advanced for the installer to recognize.

So we build out own wxGTK:

        export WXPREF=/usr/local/pydstool/wxPython
        cd wxPythonSrc-
        mkdir build
        cd build
        ../configure --with-gtk \
                     --prefix=$WXPREF \
                     --enable-rpath=$WXPREF/lib \
                     --with-opengl \
                     --enable-geometry \
                     --enable-optimise \
        make install
        cd ../wxPython
        python \
               BUILD_GLCANVAS=0 \ 
               WX_CONFIG=/usr/local/pydstool/bin/wx-config \
               build install
        cd demo

FFTW library

./configure \
        --enable-shared --enable-threads \
        --enable-static \
        --enable-type-prefix --prefix=/usr/local/pydstool/
make install
./configure \
        --enable-shared --enable-threads \
        --enable-static --enable-float \
        --enable-type-prefix --prefix=/usr/local/pydstool/
make install

Installing SciPy - At Long Last!

        tar xzvf SciPy_complete-0.3.2.tar.gz
        cd SciPy_complete-0.3.2
        python install
        import scipy
        scipy.test(level=1, verbosity=2)
        scipy.test(level=10, verbosity=2)

Installing matplotlib

        tar xzvf matplotlib-0.80.tar.gz
        cd matplotlib-0.80
        python build install
        cd ..
        from pylab import *
        t = arrayrange(0,20,0.05)
        s = sin(t)
        import matplotlib
        backend      : WXAgg
        interactive  : True
cd /usr/local/pydstool/share/matplotlib/
cat >matplotlibrc.patch <<ENDS-PATCH
--- .matplotlibrc       2005-04-07 11:56:27.000000000 -0700
+++ /usr/local/pydstool/share/matplotlib/.matplotlibrc  2007-01-17 00:06:14.000000000 -0800
@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@
 #  - a legal html color name, eg red, blue, darkslategray
-backend      : GTKAgg    # the default backend
+backend      : WXAgg    # the default backend
 numerix      : Numeric   # Numeric or numarray
-interactive  : False     # see
+interactive  : True     # see
 toolbar      : toolbar2   # None | classic | toolbar2
 timezone     : UTC        # a pytz timezone string, eg US/Central or Europe/Paris
patch <matplotlibrc.patch && rm matplotlibrc.patch

Installing PyDSTool

        export P=`pwd`/PyDSTool*zip
        cd /usr/local/pydstool/lib/python2.3/site-packages
        unzip $P
        cp -rv /usr/local/pydstool/lib/python2.3/site-packages/PyDSTool/tests ~
        cd ~/tests

Adding into the env-update path

        cat > /etc/env.d/99pydstool <<END
        . /etc/profile

WARNING: I haven't tested this thoroughly yet... mileage may vary.

Appendix - Useful Notes

Debugging python's disutils

Debugging distutils is a pain in the ass. The first thing to try is adding DISTUTILS_DEBUG=1 to your shell environment. But here's a tiny change that made me much happier: in distutils/ modify the function spawn to add a debug printout on the first line after the docstring:

  print "#: "," ".join(cmd) #!!!

This causes distutils to generate make-like output showing all the commands that are spawned. It's pretty useful when things go bad, and keeps you from falling asleep when the build is slow.

Library madness

Another misadventure was due to a Gentoo rather than a PyDSTool problem, but it is hard to track: the PyDSTool's tests failed when using scipy.gplt, with a useless error message (Broken Pipe). It turned out that gnuplot failed consistentently because it wanted - which Gentoo doesn't have at this point in time. This turned out to me a depedency through, left over from pre-modular xorg (if this means nothing to you - be very happy!).

        emerge plotutils
        emerge gnuplot