I belong to the INCF Task Force for a Standard Language in Neural Network Modeling, working on the NineML markup language. (INCF stands for International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility).
Related resources in this vein are the NeuroML markup language, the BioModels SED-ML markup language. The ModelDB database at Yale is a good repository for neural models. Correspondingly, NeuronDB and NeuronBank at GSU are good repositories for neural data.
Journal of Biological Systems
I am an on the editorial board of the Journal of Biological Systems.
I run the Spineless Neural Systems forum that meets regularly to share research ideas and skills across the Atlanta metro region.

Additional Projects
In 2004 I wrote and maintain a handy little XPP-Matlab interface between Bard Ermentrout's XPP-AUT software and Matlab. This simple code makes batch-running from external scripts very easy!
I compiled and edit the Guide to good practice for research in experimentally data-driven computational modeling and simulation.
I have helped Gennady Cymbalyuk organize recent local workshops on the Dynamics of Bursting Activity.