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Technical Documentation

  1. Technical details about numeric types
    1. Note on numeric types
    2. Interval
    3. Points
    4. Variable
      1. Inside the API of the Variable class
    5. Trajectory
  2. Model
  3. System specification with FuncSpec
    1. Sub-classes
    2. Initialization keywords
    3. Elements of a system specification
    4. Mathematical expression syntax
      1. Syntax checking
      2. Standard math names
      3. Multiple definitions using the for loop macro
      4. Auxiliary functions
      5. Noteworthy syntax quirk: powers
      6. Sub-expression substitutions in target language
  4. Dynamically-created functions
    1. Object persistence issues
      1. Cfunc objects, etc.
  5. Generator classes
  6. Implementation of numerical integration
  7. Implementation of numerical continuation
  8. Implementation of parameter estimation
  9. Other PyDSTool modules

Leading underscores in the names of attributes, methods or functions suggest that they should be treated as "internal" and not for general use, usually because they provide no useful function to end-users. Those that might be useful for advanced users are also underscored because usage of those methods, or direct alteration of those attributes, is difficult to get right as an end-user, and mistakes could lead to irreparable damage to the object.

1. Technical details about numeric types

Throughout this page, names followed by an asterisk indicate that it is not intended for end-users, and usually that the name is present for entirely internal usage by PyDStool. Since Python does not provide private as well as public interfaces to a class, an asterisk is a different type of indication that the name is not intended for typical end-user use.

1.1. Note on numeric types

PyDSTool uses the numpy package to provide double precision floating point arithmetic. All floating point calculations in PyDSTool are to double precision. By default, Python uses double precision for its float type, and we have used the double type in the C code implementations of numerical integration. Complex numbers for data points, numeric intervals, and so forth, are not currently supported in PyDSTool. All numeric types mentioned below will refer to 32-bit integers or double-precision (64-bit) floats.

1.2. Interval

This module defines interval ranges and operations for floating point values. This module exports two classes, Interval and IntervalMembership. See Intervals for general user information.

1.3. Points

Points and Pointsets are described in detail on their own page: Pointsets

1.4. Variable

A Variable object is the specification of a single variable's value as a function of an independent variable (generally time). It is the basic representational unit for a (multi-dimensional) trajectory.

A properly configured Variable object x is callable, when the argument (independent variable) values are within the set specified by attribute indepdomain, which is an Interval object for continuous domains, and an array dictionary for discrete domains. The domain of the variable is given by the depdomain attribute, which is also a Interval or array dictionary. These intervals default to the bi-infinite real line unless otherwise specified.

The Variable class also provides bounds checking that may be required on the independent or dependent variables of a system. If bounds-checking is on, calls to a Variable object first pass through a filter to verify that the independent variable is within its bounds, before the Variable object's output method is called. This method has different forms depending on the nature of the Generator that created it. After this method has produced a value, it will pass through an additional filter that checks its boundedness.

The Variable objects that are based on an underlying mesh have a simple form for the output method that returns a value. The method is typically an interpolation function that also contains the mesh. The output method is more complex for the "on demand" types of trajectory calculator.



1.4.1. Inside the API of the Variable class

(Follow along in the file /tests/

Wrapping mathematical functions inside the methods of generic objects is a sure way to lose call efficiency. Unfortunately, this is a necessary expense so that a consistent API is presented to a user or to other objects. In particular, such wrapping is necessary in order to provide event detection and bounds checking facilities in a unified way. For instance, consider a 1D curve that we wish to specify using an explicit function, let's say the sine function. In order for the curve to be recognizable as such by PyDSTool functions and utilities, the explicit function sin has to be wrapped into a Variable object, which itself is callable.

To do this, a user would build a ExplicitFnGen generator. For simplicity of exposition, and as developers, we can hack a little to make the wrapping more transparent. The OutputFn class is the generic function wrapper for functions that need domain checks enforced on the independent variable values passed as arguments, and on the output value resulting from the function call.

sin_opfunc = OutputFn(math.sin)

The OutputFn object contains extra information about the types of the input and output of the function, and the domains in which those values lie. Without additional parameters at initialization, these default to (Float, Float) and ([-Inf, Inf], [Inf, Inf]), respectively. We can create a Variable object directly, using this OutputFn.

sin_var = Variable(sin_opfunc, Interval('t', 'float', [-Inf,Inf]),
                    Interval('x', 'float', [-1,1]))

In this example, we haven't specified any restriction on the domains, but we can investigate the efficiency of this wrapping under different calling conditions. Here is the output of a script that measures the time taken for 10000 computations of sine.

Time to compute 10000 calls of sin(0.5) to ...
ufunc sin
sin_var variable (with default checklevel (0))
sin_var variable (with explicit checklevel = 0)
sin_var variable (with checklevel = 2)
sin_var variable using vectorized call (with default checklevel (0))
sin_var variable using vectorized call (with explicit checklevel = 0)
sin_var variable using vectorized call (with checklevel = 2)

Apart from noticing that math.sin should always be called over the universal function sin, there are two lessons for PyDSTool developers here.

The first is to call a Variable object with a vector of argument values whenever possible. The speed-up of vectorization is approximately a factor of 3.

The additional slow-down factor associated with switching on bounds checking (checklevel = 2) is about equal when using vectorized calls or individual calls. The second lesson is that, where possible, bounds checking should be used during exploratory work, but if confidence in the input and output bounds is known or gained during the exploration, then bounds checking can be turned off for maximum efficiency.

1.5. Trajectory

The Trajectory class implements parameterized and non-parameterized trajectories and curves. It is essentially a collection of 1D Variable objects brought together (usually under a common independent variable in parameterized curves) to create an N-dimensional curve over some domain. The main features to discuss in this abstraction are the call method, and the sample method, which enables users to sample values from a continuously or discretely defined trajectory in different ways.

Calling the sample method with no arguments on a Trajectory defined using an underlying mesh will efficiently return the values at the mesh points. Trajectories are constructed by Generators (a core PyDSTool class, see Generators) using an explicit or implicit function, or using a mesh of points. When called, the objects return a state value, using interpolation between mesh points if necessary. Linear and quadratic interpolation are supported.

2. Models

3. System specification with FuncSpec

All user interface routes to defining a dynamical system end up with the creation of a FuncSpec object, that contains the full abstract definition of a system before it is instantiated to a target language definition (as a Generator object). The basics of system specification are detailed on the page FunctionalSpec.

3.1. Sub-classes

There are three subclasses which are specific to the types of Generator that use them. The most important one is RHSfuncSpec, for use with ODE systems and discrete-time maps. ExpFuncSpec is for use with the ExplicitFnGen class, for instance. Similarly, ImpFuncSpec is used by the ImplicitFnGen. These subclasses can be viewed as simply providing types so that a Generator object can better validate the FuncSpec object passed to it. Presently, these subclasses contain no special functionality, but this might change in future revisions.

3.2 Initialization keywords for FuncSpec

On initialization, a new FuncSpec object expects a dictionary or args object containing keyword-value mappings. These must at least contain a name for the object under the keyword 'name', and a list of declared variable names under the key 'vars'. If parameters and external inputs are to be present in the Generator, these are also declared as lists of name strings using the keys 'pars' and 'inputs'. An additional feature in PyDSTool is to allow auxiliary variables to be computed alongside the regular state variables. These variables are declared under the key 'auxvars', but their specifications as algebraic functions of the state, time, and parameters, use the same syntax. The auxiliary variables can also be used for plotting purposes, or for other post-processing analysis and diagnosis of a computed trajectory.

A dictionary of strings containing a representations of the functionality of the Generator is expected under the initialization argument's key 'varspecs'. The dictionary keys are the variable names and auxiliary variable names (if any). The syntax of these specifications is discussed below.

A dictionary of function names -> definition strings must also be specified under the intialization argument key 'fnspecs' for any auxiliary functions declared. The declared parameter names are purely local to the specification string, and are not meant to necessarily correspond to declared variable, parameter, or input names.

Events, autonomous external inputs, algorithmic parameters, and other Generator-specific details may be present in the arguments to initialize a FuncSpec object.

For now, you are encouraged to read the documented code in the module to find out more.

4. Dynamically-created functions

The dual goals of efficiency and convenience in the user specification of functions (be they right-hand sides of ODEs, auxiliary functions, and so on) are somewhat at odds with eachother. Users are not expected to write their own C functions in order to achieve greatest efficiency, mainly because of the delicacy of interfacing a large core of code with third-party C code correctly.

User-provided functions in native Python are not a great alternative, because they are exceptionally slow to execute when embedded in larger calculations. This is particularly true if "index-free" notation is to be provided to the user, as this creates additional overhead when PyDSTool has to map names to array indices and vice-versa on entry and exit from every call to the user's functions.

In response to these two extremes, a key feature in the current implementation is to allow users to specify partial function signature information and function bodies to PyDSTool, using an elementary "syntax". PyDSTool then creates its own internal versions of the functions as dynamically executed Python code strings. These functions are free to use indices as they remain entirely hidden from the user, while the user can use names for all the variables, parameters, etc., and be free from being concerned about the full detail of function signatures, or other interfacing details in order that PyDSTool can use the functions correctly.

Additionally, the same user code specifications can be turned into C functions for use with external, compiled, modules. This unified feature of the user interface is mostly handled in the module (see FunctionalSpec page).

Returning to the native Python form for user-specified functions, it is most convenient to make these functions accessible to objects as if they were regular class methods. Therefore, these functions are dynamically added to classes by a command such as

setattr(<class_name>, <func_name>, <ptr_to_func>).

In Python, <ptr_to_func> is implemented as eval(func_name). Furthermore, in order to avoid name clashes in a class's namespace when a user creates multiple functions, these functions generally need unique internal names. However, when bound to methods that often perform the same role in an object, such as functions that specify the RHS of a differential equation, the methods must have fixed names that are known in advance. Thus, the actual methods created are generally wrappers around the unique names, and the unique names remain locally-defined functions to the object.

4.1. Object persistence issues

At present, the major drawback of this approach is the way that Python handles the namespaces of objects, with respect to dynamically created attributes and methods, and the locally-defined functions that they typically refer to. Many important core Python utilities, in particular those that "copy" objects and "load" or "save" objects to permanent storage, rely on the contents of an object's associated namespace to know what constitutes an object. This information indicates how the operations will divide-and-conquer their task. Unfortunately, it is the case that locally created functions do not appear in the object's namespace (i.e. that designated by __main__) even when they are referred to by functions that do. Therefore, without additional attention, those core operations would fail on such objects.

The core classes to which these issues apply are Generator and Variable. In these classes, two special methods __getstate__ and __setstate__ are defined. These provide overrides for the default behaviour when "copy" and "save" operations are invoked. They provide the opportunity to do special housekeeping immediately before and after pickling. The _funcreg dictionary provides information about the dynamically-created methods that refer to locally-defined functions, and permits __getstate__ to delete references to those methods prior to pickling. After unpickling, __setstate__ may use the same dictionary to reconstruct those methods from the original sources that it holds. Alternatively, the object may call a method such as addMethods that rebuilds those methods anew.

Read more about object persistence in Python in this article.

4.1.1. Cfunc objects, etc.

As a postscript to the above discussion of object persistence, external Python modules that are largely implemented in C may define Python types that are essentially direct "lifts" of C objects. Prime examples of these are so-called Python Cfuncs, and numpy uses them for the fundamental numeric types float, int, and complex, which are thin wrappers around C implementations. The core Python utilities for copying, and so forth, do not know how to deal with such "third-party" types and throw exceptions. Therefore, an addition to the __getstate__ and __setstate__ methods discussed above is the temporary re-mapping of such types when they appear in object attributes. As a result, most of the core PyDSTool classes implement these special methods.

5. Generator classes

An introduction to the Generator classes is given on the page Generators.

In terms of class inheritance, there are two types of Generator: those for which time varies continuously, and those for which it varies discontinuously. In consequence, all end-user ("concrete") classes inherit from either the ctsGen or discGen abstract classes.

In terms of functionality, there is another distinction here. Some generators create trajectory objects that are accurately defined only at their underlying mesh-points, others create trajectory objects (curves) that compute trajectory points "on demand" to full accuracy (so-called dense output). Examples of the first type are the lookup table and the standard Runge-Kutta style integrators for ODEs. Examples of the second type are the explicit and implicit function generators, for which an underlying mesh is not required. Taylor series integration bridges the gap between these two extremes, but is currently only accessible via ADMC++ in Matlab (see the Generators page).

6. Implementation of numerical integration

PyDSTool supports several ODE/DAE integrators. See the Generators page for more details.

For general information about using these integrators (including some implementation information) see the UserDocumentation page.

7. Implementation of numerical continuation

See the page on the sub-package PyCont.

8. Implementation of parameter estimation

This is done primarily through the MINPACK Fortran libraries, available via SciPy. PyDSTool's ParamEst class is a thin wrapper around these, and provides examples of residual cost functions for use with Generator and Model objects. Examples are provided in the download, such as the files, etc.

9. Other PyDSTool modules


Important exported functions from this module include:


This module defines common utility functions for internal use within PyDSTool, or for advanced users.


This module contains custom Python exception definitions. Exception raising using these classes is not yet consistently applied throughout PyDSTool.


This utility library contains many small functions, primarily useful for developers. It contains functions for manipulating strings, Quantity objects, argument lists, etc.